Migraine not just headache

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Migraine Action, Migraine Day

Well I made this. I was 90 minutes late, but I managed to go and stayed until the end. That was a mistake because it wrecked my head.
the venue was not the best, rooms stuffy and when they opened the windows lot of noise in from the street below.
The lunch was lousy. Tofu sandwiches and some with cheese...for migraineurs!!!
For me it was too long at 6 hours, and they should have started later, 10am the earliest. I spoke to others there, and they all concurred with these points.
Lastly the hotel needs to get a toilet cleaner!!!

Talks were good. Nice to speak to Drs Andy Dowson, and Paul Davies in a more relaxed atmosphere.
Also met a couple of local people and some others I may keep in touch with.
Did I learn anything....not really.
But it was good to share experiences.

If you are reading this, so far. Please comment. Migraine is such a complicated problem and the more we all band together the further we will get with a remedy, hopefully some day a cure.
Don't be shy, i don't care if it isn't a positive comment, but I cant really see the point in reading this if you never say anything, so please do.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Keeler Method

I have bought a book which comes recommended on a forum I use.
It is written by a Neuro who has migraines.
I haven't managed to read much yet because of my silly head
BUT, what I have dipped into looks good.
I hope it will help me.
Will keep you posted, whoever you are...Ha!!