Migraine not just headache

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Morning (overnight) migraines.

If, like me your migraines usually hit in the early hours.
Please get in touch.
I have been given some information on stopping these from a very good source.,


Steve Roberts said...

Hi. This isn't really a post - it's a message to you (since I could not find your email address on the site)

I'm giving away my new migraine medication - to pretty much anyone - but going out of my way to offer it to those with migraine blogs.

You can read my yet incomplete site - maybe starting here: http://doctorstevesbanjo.com/migraine

Feel free to send me an email and I'll send you free product (it's not even for sale yet.) steve who is at doctorstevesbanjo dot com.

Best wishes, Steve

Pen said...

Steve, I have emailed you.
Apologies I couldnt get into my blog...Blogger error.
Sorry. Please get back to me.